Honor Walk Program

Honor Walk Program


Engrave a brick to honor a loved one or commemorate a special occasion.  These bricks will be incorporated into a permanent “Honor Walk Memorial” at your selected museum.

Please fill out the information required below.

When filling out each line, there are a maximum of 13 characters to include spaces and special characters.



The bricks are 4 X 8 inches and will be engraved and have a lifetime warranty. If you wish, you can see a sample brick on display at the gift shops located in the May-Stringer Museum, the 1885 Train Depot and the Countryman One Room Schoolhouse.

You may use one, two or all three lines for personalization of the brick. Each line can be no more than 13 characters including spaces and punctuation.

Please contact Kathy Vidal at kvidalhhma@gmail.com if you have any questions.



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